rintrojs - Wrapper for the 'Intro.js' Library
A wrapper for the 'Intro.js' library (For more info: <https://introjs.com/>). This package makes it easy to include step-by-step introductions, and clickable hints in a 'Shiny' application. It supports both static introductions in the UI, and programmatic introductions from the server-side.
Last updated 1 years ago
9.54 score 134 stars 30 dependents 308 scripts 3.1k downloadsdocuSignr - Connect to 'DocuSign' API
Connect to the 'DocuSign' Rest API <https://www.docusign.com/p/RESTAPIGuide/RESTAPIGuide.htm>, which supports embedded signing, and sending of documents.
Last updated 6 years ago
3.40 score 5 stars 10 scripts 230 downloads